What we do …

The UKRMA is a trade organisation established by the manufacturers of surface-water and grey-water management systems, to promote water re-use as the best and most cost-effective way of helping to reduce future flood and water-shortage risks.

The Association is the only trade organisation in the UK which advocates addressing both risks at the same time, rather than separately, the aim being to ensure that measures taken to alleviate flood-risks, for example, do not heighten water shortages.

Conversely, investment in measures designed primarily to alleviate water shortages, but also help to alleviate flood-risks, need to be encouraged to optimise the UK’s overall management of its rainfall bounty.

Why we do it …

Flood events are well advertised when they occur, not least due to their human, environmental and economic impact.  The risk of floods is therefore high on the political agenda, resulting in substantial national investment in alleviation measures.

As these measures hinge on safely ushering excessive water safely out to sea during extreme weather events, they have a counter-productive element in terms of safeguarding subsequent water-supplies.

Less well publicised, is the existing pressure on water-supplies, which the Environment Agency predict will grow under the twin impacts of population growth and changing rainfall patterns.  According to the influential International Panel on Climate Change, the future risk of water shortages pose a greater threat to the UK than future flood risks.

Why we do it …

Flood events are well advertised when they occur, not least due to their human, environmental and economic impact.  The risk of floods is therefore high on the political agenda, resulting in substantial national investment in alleviation measures.

As these measures hinge on safely ushering excessive water safely out to sea during extreme weather events, they have a counter-productive element in terms of safeguarding subsequent water-supplies.

Less well publicised, is the existing pressure on water-supplies, which the Environment Agency predict will grow under the twin impacts of population growth and changing rainfall patterns.  According to the influential International Panel on Climate Change, the future risk of water shortages pose a greater threat to the UK than future flood risks.

And how we work …

The UKRMA is funded by its members who fall into the two main categories of manufacturers, and installer/maintenance businesses; details of these members and the goods and services they supply are provided on the Members’ Services page.

In addition, the Association works closely with other like-minded individuals and organisations, details of which can be found on the Other Partners page; upcoming shows and other events are displayed on the Events Board page.

Working with these partners, the Association’s aim is to encourage national standards and policies that encourage water re-use, as a means of reducing mains-water demand, and implemented in ways that also help to reduce flood-risks.  The Blogs page provides technical information on the various ways in which this can be achieved.